A Sacred Sanctuary of Mentorship, Ceremony and Energetic Support for Mothers


 Remember Who You Truly Are | Find Your Voice | Stand in Your Sovereignty

Wildcrafted Mothering is a sacred space of multi-dimensional mentoring, ceremony and energetic support for mothers on a path of awakening.

ALL of you is welcome here…the majestic and the messy, the exalted and the exhausted, the radiance and reality of what it is to walk the path of motherhood as an initiatory journey…

A spirit-guided and instinct-led alchemical adventure of reclaiming your wholeness and experiencing your full-spectrum, soul-embodied humanness.

Through practical priestessing, sacred witnessing, higher-dimensional connection and a grounded perspective of motherhood as an integrated aspect of a full, rich and thriving life, this temple space is a wellspring of nourishment, guidance and belonging to fill your own inner well so your waters of the Mother overflow.



Join the Mother’s Council

We gather every month to share our wisdom and speak truth

Hosted both in-person in Connecticut and virtually




Newly Released!

Rhiannon’s debut album, Sacred Mother

Dedicated to all mothers everywhere- especially our precious Mother Earth.




The Wildcrafted Mothering Podcast

Journey with me to explore a world where we remember…

Pregnancy as a Portal to Higher Consciousness

Birth as a Powerful Rite of Passage

Motherhood as a Sacred Path of Awakening



About Rhiannon


Mother. Wife. Awakening Guide. Multi-Dimensional Channel. Living Ceremony Leader. Sacred Sound Intuitive. Healer Harpist. Well Tender. Forest Lover. Medicine Singer.

Devotee to the Sacred Paths of Motherhood, Sacred Union, & Thriving Family.

Utterly enchanted by and devoted to the sacred journey of soul initiation and self-mastery that is motherhood.

Knowing every woman carries within her a wisdom that is deep, primal and holy, instinctual and intuitive, grounded in the Earth and illuminated by the profound love and divine intelligence of Spirit.

Envisioning a world where women fiercely trust their inner knowing, walk sovereign in their power, and experience a life of authentic thriving through the path of wildly intentional motherhood.


Together, we are reweaving the web of sacred reciprocity with all of Life,

and rediscovering a path to creating thriving family culture

in harmony with All Our Relations.